
Handlebars is a fantastic templating engine which is available for .NET. It’s similar to Mustache, which I tend to prefer, but Handlebars has more features that can be very useful.

This is a basic example showing how easy it is to apply a template.

// <package id="Handlebars.Net" version="1.7.1" targetFramework="net40" />
// {{{ triple-stash to avoid encoding }}}
using System;
using HandlebarsDotNet;
class Program {
    static void Main(string[] args) {
        string source = 
Hello {{person.name}}, I see that you are {{person.age}} years old.
You have the following cars:
{{#each cars}}
    {{year}} {{make}} {{model}} {{#if color}}(Color={{color}}){{/if}}
        var template = Handlebars.Compile(source);
        var data = new {
            title = "My Data Object",
            person = new { name = "Billy", age = 34 },
            cars = new object[] {
                new { year = 2015, make = "Ford", model = "Mustang", color = "Red" },
                new { year = 2014, make = "Chevy", model = "Corvette" },
                new { year = 2013, make = "Dodge", model = "Aries", color = "Yellow" }
        var result = template(data);
/****** OUTPUT *******
My Data Object
Hello Billy, I see that you are 34 years old.
You have the following cars:
    2015 Ford Mustang (Color=Red)
    2014 Chevy Corvette
    2013 Dodge Aries (Color=Yellow)
******* OUTPUT ******/


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