SQL Server Date/Time Formatting

Here are my favorite date formats in SQL Server. These work with older versions, in case you’re not able to use the new format feature:

declare @theDate datetime = getdate();
    -- yyyy-MM-dd
    convert(char(10), @theDate, 126) 
    -- MM/dd/yyyy
    ,convert(char(10), @theDate, 101)
    -- yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
    ,convert(char(19), @theDate, 120)
    -- yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff 
    ,convert(char(23), @theDate, 121)
    -- yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fff (ISO8601)
    ,convert(char(23), @theDate, 126)
    -- MMM _d yyyy _h:mm:ss.fff 
    --(if day/hour < 10, space is inserted so len is always 26)
    ,convert(char(26), @theDate, 109) 


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