Shrink image with ImageMagick

FOR /R %%G IN (*.jpg) DO CALL :process "%%G"
GOTO :end
    SET _inname=%1
    SET _outname=%_inname:~0,-5%_1024.jpg"
    identify -format %%w %_inname% >width.txt
    identify -format %%h %_inname% >height.txt
    set /p width=<width.txt
    set /p height=<height.txt
    DEL width.txt
    DEL height.txt
    ECHO Processing %_inname% ...
    if %width% gtr %height% call :landscape %_inname% %_outname%
    if %height% geq %width% call :portrait %_inname% %_outname%
    rem convert %_inname% %_inname%
    EXIT /B
    convert %_inname% -resize 1024x -quality 90 %_outname%
    EXIT /B
    convert %_inname% -resize x1024 -quality 90 %_outname%
    EXIT /B


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